Osteopathy is a gentle, patient-centred, hands-on therapy. Through soft manipulation of your tissues, it removes barriers to motion. The goal is to find the root cause of pain/dysfunction in the body and treat the physiological systems by addressing the cranium/neurological system, viscera/organs, and fascial and musculoskeletal tissues. Check your health benefits for osteopathy with our licensed Osteopathic Manual Therapists, Sophie & Ulkar, and Manual Osteopathic Therapist, Ryan
Our Osteopathic Toolkit
A pain-free technique to stretches whole lines of muscles, joints and tissues. It improves flexibility, increases joint space and improves posture.
Fascial stretch
Scar tissue releases
Through tissue manipulation and fascial release, an osteopath can help to break up adhesions and improve the texture and appearance of a scar.
Gentle osteoarticular adjustments
A gentle realignment of bony joints to encourage efficient weight bearing and movement, and normalize.
A light touch to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.
Craniosacral techniques
Musculoskeletal approaches
Used to help find and release restrictions in the abdomen fascia and in the body’s viscera (organs) such as the stomach, liver and gallbladder. Releasing restrictions encourages normal movement and function in the body’s organs. It can help you feel better and can be the key to banishing recurring chronic musculoskeletal pain and bio-mechanical dysfunctions.
According to osteopathy, when the body's musculoskeletal system is not properly aligned, it inhibits circulatory, lymphatic or nervous system function and therefore reduces the body's ability to heal itself.
Visceral/organ releases
Conditions Osteopathy Treats
Osteopathy is suitable for all ages (from newborns to the elderly). It can help with conditions such as:
acute/chronic injuries
post car accidents (MVA) and whiplash
post-surgery (scar work)
post-concussion (after 6 weeks)
overtraining, high stress, and burnout
chronic pain and inflammation
headaches and migraines
shoulder, neck, back, hip, forearm, calf, foot pains, and strains
injury prevention
TMJ disorders